This project focuses on using different classification models from scikit-learn and combining them to achieve a practical model to predict the quality of water to predict if the water is drinkable or not.
G.A.R.I.B. app aims to empower economically weak and uneducated individuals by removing barriers to loans and suitable employment, promoting equal opportunities and inclusive growth.
Agrify: a tool for precision agriculture. It is a one stop solution for farmers introducing them to
the concept of precise farming. the concept of precise farming.
Precision agriculture (PA) is the science of improving crop yields and assisting
management decisions using sensors and data analysis.
Water potability is a critical concern for ensuring safe drinking water for communities around the world. Leveraging the power of machine learning, we'll demonstrate how to build a robust model that can predict the potability of water sources with high accuracy.
Reducing the carbon footprint by increasing the use of solar panels and decreasing the use of Coal for producing electricity, ultimately reducing carbon footprint and saving the earth from some catastrophic event/ uncertainty.
Reducing the carbon footprint by increasing the use of solar panels and decreasing the use of Coal for producing electricity, ultimately reducing carbon footprint and saving the earth from some catastrophic event/ uncertainty.
The project aims to predict water quality, with a focus on its suitability for consumption. Access to safe water is crucial for human survival and ecosystem preservation. The solution utilizes techniques like SMOTE and uses Random Forest Machine Learning algorithm.
Creating an open source auto labelling tool that labels image using pretrained models. We can then edit those labelling too using this tool. Currently, only supported for yolov5 models but working on expanding it. Also, it is using stable PyTorch in backend for better acceleration by intel libraries
Using Intel's AI Analytics Toolkit we tried to predict freshwater quality, achieving an F1 score of 0.81786 with TabNet ensemble model, addressing data challenges and optimizing performance for sustainable water assessment.
Harnessed the power of Intel technologies to enhance the capabilities of the YOLOv5 algorithm for object detection. By leveraging Intel's optimized libraries and frameworks, such as Intel oneDAL, Intel optimized PyTorch, and the SYCL/DPC++ libraries, we have achieved superior performance, accuracy,
The Fashion-MNIST dataset is used as a standard for assessing how well
image classification models perform. Classifying fashion items presents a difficult task that
is applicable to real-world applications. I have tried to add to the body of knowledge in
the field of computer vision by creating
Trained ResNet-50 for 5 epochs, optimized with IPEX for 15 epochs. Converted to ONNX, further refined with OpenVINO, all on Intel Dev Cloud. The Gradio app takes video input and detects accidents.
The APS Sensor, a critical element in heavy-duty vehicles, facilitates brake pad pressure by converting compressed air into piston force for deceleration. This study investigates the correlation between component failures and the APS.
An interactive image upscaling application, combining Gradio and OpenVINO. The gradio app offers users the ability to upload images and experience real-time upscaling.
The project aims to develop an AI-driven voice-assisted first aid and medical condition detection system to provide real-time rescue techniques to bystanders during emergencies. This project demonstrates the implementation of speech-to-text and text-to-speech functionality using Python and Google Cl
DermNet - A skin disease prediction application that takes dermoscopic and normal images as input and predicts the output for 32 different classes of skin disease, which involves the use of advanced deep learning techniques and medical knowledge.