
Check out these game projects from hobbiests and independent developers

🚜 Hope’s Farm 2 DEMO is NOW ON STEAM!

🚜 Hope’s Farm 2 DEMO is NOW ON STEAM!

Hope’s Farm 2, the highly anticipated sequel from Green Sauce Games, is now live on Steam. Developed and tested on the Intel Arc A750, this innovative farming adventure invites you to try the demo and add the game to your wishlist for an enhanced gaming experience.

Air cooled or water cooled or both

Air cooled or water cooled or both

Which is the best at performing When your computer game is played all day long for 9 hours. I run a driving sim at week end and the computer over heats We have air cooled and water cooled and we still get graphic card over heating and computer then slows

Intel Insider's Community Q2 Update

Intel Insider's Community Q2 Update

A quick inside scoop on the happenings within the Intel Insider's Discord Community.

Intel Taiwan 校園電腦組裝大賽-新阿姆斯特朗旋風噴射阿姆斯特朗砲

Intel Taiwan 校園電腦組裝大賽-新阿姆斯特朗旋風噴射阿姆斯特朗砲

新阿姆斯特朗旋風噴射阿姆斯特朗砲用途是以文書、高階遊戲、剪輯機為定位,在CPU的部分是最新的一代的i5-13600K,這顆CPU的價格非常適合剛上大學時期的學生,效能在應付上課教授的各種需求外,也同時可以滿足大學生遊戲需求;6650XT獨立顯示卡,在跑各式3A大作遊戲時都能順暢運行;同時機殼與主機板又具備充分的擴充空間,日後如果有新的需求也可以直接無痛進行升級,不需要再額外更換其他的配備,對於預算有限的大學生來說,是十分合適的選擇;身為大學生難免遇到教授要求需要剪輯製作影片,這台電腦因為P3 PLUS 的PCIE4.0超高傳輸速度,在剪輯時可以減少大部分的載入時間,搭配高達32GB的雙通道記憶體、顯示卡內建硬體編解碼器,讓CPU可以在剪輯與輸出時更加順暢快速,節省身為學生那有限的讀書時間。

TechMesh is Now Intel® Insiders Hub!

TechMesh is Now Intel® Insiders Hub!

With less than a year under our belt, Intel TechMesh has become a go-to site for our community of PC users to share how they’re using PCs to produce amazing projects. The site is becoming a home to a vast body of work that includes creations related to digital art, gaming, research, editing, rendering, and more. But it’s not just these examples and ideas that blow our mind, it’s the DNA, the talent and enthusiasm of the very people behind the work that we are proud of and celebrate. We con...

Xe HPG Scavenger Hunt Decoded

Xe HPG Scavenger Hunt Decoded

We go through all the clues we released for the Xe HPG Scavenger Hunt, how they were hidden, and why they were selected

Welcome to Intel® TechMesh

Welcome to Intel® TechMesh

Intel® TechMesh is a site for PC enthusiasts, doers, gamers, digital artists, modders, to share and get inspired by those who play, craft, make and do using their personal computer,