A wild attempt at a first time "mod" idea. An open bench type cooling environment with the stru... 0 0 0 PC Mod: Level-Up Challenge - "My future, now. - Bish Bash BOSH" Andrew Moore Created: 11/26/2021
Following the theme for the PC Mod Challenge, "Future of Innovation", I am designing a PC build t... 0 0 0 Future of Power Generation - Fusion Christopher Davis Created: 11/24/2021
Unique. Simple. Powerful. Three words that DDCM’s modder James Whorley has pursued to base his li... 0 0 0 DDCM Desk PC James Whorley Created: 11/23/2021
Beast Canyon Built for gaming and AI training 2 0 0 Beast Canyon NUC build Peter Ma Created: 11/23/2021
The future of side panels, for those who want it. PC enthusiasts want to see their hardware, but ... 1 0 0 No Glass Required Ed Smith Created: 11/12/2021
The BenchBox is my submission for the Level-Up Case Mod Challenge sponsored by Intel. I have noti... 0 0 0 The BenchBox [Level-Up Case Mod Challenge] Arshia Soleimany Created: 11/10/2021
Will Create a modified version of the Salvage Robot from The Expanse Season 5 Ep4, One that stole... 0 0 0 Expanse Salvage Robot Dave Nielsen Created: 10/31/2021
Learn about this site and how to create and publish projects to this community portal 6 1 0 Using Intel DevMesh or Insiders Hub Bob Duffy Created: 03/17/2021