Vehicle Agent
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Car equipments are totally unknown world for many of us. So we often take our vehicle to mechanic even for minor repairs, due to lack of guidance. This app guides a user for self-troubleshooting and able to contextually access the instructions required to maintain their car using Augmented Reality. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Intel Technologies
Intel Integrated Graphics
Overview / Usage
We often face problems in our vehicles frequently over time. And before the scheduled service, we pay our visits to mechanic for even minor problems. Some mechanics charge you a lot, even for small fixes, and this problem is serious for people living in areas where Car Repairing Garage is not easily available. Due to lack of knowledge and guidance, we couldn’t fix problem on our own, no matter how small the problem is, we take it to mechanic and pay the huge bills. Watching videos to repair sometimes do not give exact solution, so I made this app which give tutorials based on Augmented Reality with 3D models animations.
Methodology / Approach
This application provides you an AR based guide for self troubleshooting the following problems:
o Change Car Battery
o Change Engine Oil
o Change Spark Plug
o Change Wheel of a Car
I also made a real-time screen marker, using which the user just needs to place his phone camera in front of car, and it will display the user’s screen view to an expert in the company, and he just needs to draw from his fingers on the screen to guide the user for troubleshooting a problem, and it will display results in user’s screen. But as the current stage of development is considered, we have made a marker drawing on screen while camera display is rendered. Only we need a server to make two screens share display.
I have used Blender software to export obj files and imported them in Unity3D. I didn’t used Sceneform plugin of Android, as AR CORE is not supported on many devices, so this app can get more users as it is supported on most of the phones out there. There is repeated use of 3D models in scenes wherever possible because using different 3D models for different scenes can consume more storage and devices resources to render, but we can’t ignore the fact that user gets bored by seeing the same stuff repeatedly. So I used 3D models that were not colored, and inside the different scenes, just changed the materials prefabs , so that in different scenes the same 3D model will be displayed but in different colors. I used a C# script to draw over the AR Camera, using Ray-Casting technique to draw over the screen, on an invisible plane object. We have use Image Targets as some unique stickers that we will place over car where AR is to be displayed. As the camera recognizes those Image Targets (stickers), it will start displaying the 3D models inside it. Full vehicle part detection is not easy on low specs devices, so we will use Image Recognition of targets.
I have built a chatbot module that understands the problem faced by the user and tells the respective solution. If the problem can be fix by the user himself, the application will respond the solution, or it will ask the user to go to a specialist technician. It includes responses for almost all the warnings such as smoke, strange noise from car, key related problems etc. You can either write your question or simply hold down the button to speak you question
Technologies Used
1.) Unity3D
2.) Vuforia Engine
3.) Android Studio
4.) Blender