Unreal Engine* 4/ Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers Usage Guide and Video with Demo




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Use the Intel® GPA Plugin in Unreal Engine* 4! ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Game Development


Intel Technologies
Intel GPA

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Overview / Usage

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Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA) is a toolset that helps to find rendering performance bottlenecks. A game or other application can be invoked via Intel GPA, allowing you to see FPS, shader details, texture details, and draw call details. Now, with the Unreal Engine* 4 (UE4) plugin, you can capture a multi-frame stream directly while you are in Unreal Editor, then later analyze it in Graphics Frame Analyzer.

Intel GPA’s multi-frame stream capturing feature allows developers to analyze problems that were virtually impossible to debug in single frame capture mode. These problems, including intermittent glitches, random hitches, and issues with multi-frame algorithms can be tracked down more easily because you can now toggle between frames in a single capture.

Methodology / Approach

See the full article, Unreal Engine* 4/ Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA) Usage Guide, showing how to enable and use the plugin.

Technologies Used

Unreal Engine*

Intel GPA

Intel GPA Framework

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