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This will be a PC mod commemorating some of the numerous futuristic innovations seen in the (not so) fictional Star Trek universe. ...learn more
Project status: Concept
PC Builds & Mods, PC Concepting
PC Mod Level-Up Challenge
Intel Technologies
12th Gen Intel® Core™ Processors,
Intel powered desktop PC
Overview / Usage
Being a total nerd and Trekky, when I heard the theme, "Future of Innovation", the first thing I thought of was Star Trek. There have been numerous Trek innovations from the series actually work their way into the real world, such as i-Pads, personal communicators, flat screen TVs, the list goes on. I believe that replicators will come to fruition in the near future as well. 3D printers are commonplace now, and could be considered a precursor to the matter replicators seen in everyday use on board the Enterprise. Fittingly, I intend to utilize my 3D printer quite extensively in the fabrication of this mod.
Methodology / Approach
I'll be 3D printing most of the add-ons to this case, including the scale replica matter-antimatter warp core engine that will be placed strategically over the Intel i9 processor. I'll be incorporating rgb led lighting to simulate flow, and could possibly alert the user about temperature fluctuations, power usage, etc.
I will use various software programs to accomplish this, starting with Sketchup and/or Autodesk Fusion360 as my 3D modelling tool. Then I will import the models into my 3D printer slicing software to generate the code necessary for the printer to create the object, one layer at a time.
Apart from the 3D printer, I will use standard cutting tools such as a jig saw and Dremel, modelling clay, spraypaint, and various other building materials like aluminum, acrylic, poly-styrene, and ABS. I may employ some external services such as waterjet cutting, welding, or laser cutting.
Technologies Used
I am excited to be using the new Intel 12th gen i9 processor in this build! I can't wait to see how its hybrid architecture will improve my gaming experience and video production.
The Star Trek emblem on the front of the case will double as the on-off switch for the PC. It will be equipped with a capacitive touch surface that will power the PC on simply by touching it. This is similar to how a Star Fleet officer would initiate their communicator pin to speak with a colleague.
Additionally, I will recreate one of the food replicators found in every Enterprise personel's living quarters. It will have a 7" touch screen that will display a menu in Star Trek graphic styling.
I've been modding for about 16 years now, and I never get tired of creating new and unique builds. This will be my first Star Trek themed build, and I can't think of a better way to commemorate Gene Roddenberry's message of hope and prosperity than with a mod that hilights the innovations and technological advances found in the Star Trek universe. I think it fits perfectly with Intel's new 12th gen architecture, moving one step closer to a better quality of life!