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- Followers 9
Tweet A Ball (TaB) is a robot designed to "draw" the text of tweets containing specific hashtags on balls, eggs and other spherical surfaces ...learn more
"Project description"
Tweet A Ball (TaB) is a robot designed to "draw" the text of tweets containing specific hashtags on balls, eggs and other spherical surfaces.
Unlike other Eggbot and similar, TaB is fully autonomous and does not require an external control station (PC) nor software for processing text draw.
"Project history"
TaB was designed by Fablab Napoli within IntelMaker competition in occasion of Maker Faire 2016 exhibition.
The project, mainly intended for teaching purposes, aims to explore Intel Edison platform capability.
"How does TaB works?"
Exploiting the power of Intel Edison, TaB connects directly to internet and scans the Twitter stream researching specific topics of discussion (hashtags).
Identified a message matching the search criteria, the software inside the robot converts the text in lines, curves and points.
Finally the whole is converted into a sequence of movement commands that trigger the writing arm.
"TAB Network"
The internal software stack has been designed to allow more TaB robots work together in the tweet representation.
<<<<<<< HEAD That is, a "network of TaB robots".
In this configuration one of TaB assumes the role of master, taking charge of selecting the tweets to draw and the other acting as a slave waiting by the first content to be displayed.
A multi-TaB configuration has only one active Dispatcher module at a time that communicates via WiFi with different Host modules.
This configuration allows you to draw multiple tweets at a time.
"Our Team"
Rosario Buonfiglio
Carlo Colella
Sergio Costigliola
Salvatore Di Benedetto
Clemente Giorio
Antonio Grillo
Francesco Guarino