Super Buckyball Tournament
- 0 Collaborators
Super Buckyball Tournament is a 3v3 multiplayer sports game. The game takes place in a cyberpunk futuristic world where players can choose from one of our unique characters and play an exciting ability-based online matchup! ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Game Development, Artificial Intelligence, Graphics and Media
Intel Technologies
Intel GPA,
Intel Integrated Graphics
Overview / Usage
Network problems; network delay; rendering efficiency; rendering effect; AI collaboration; sound effect
Methodology / Approach
Network: Overall framework: unet
Synchronization algorithm: Network synchronization algorithm based on moving average time difference.
Technologies Used
Large-scale audience rendering: mainly uses GPU Instance and Vertex Animation, because with traditional mesh rendering, CPU has to call GPU for every mesh rendering operation, which is very time-consuming and unable to render a large amount of meshes.
3D cloud: mainly uses Ray Marching, 3D Noise, Reprojection, and Tone Mapping.
Animal fur: mainly uses Multiple Pass Shader and Groom Map.
**AI: **Use supervised learning algorithm to train multi-task neural networks and assist with the development of game AI.
**Sound effect: **
Decoupling model-based editable sound effect system.
Use wwise middleware to provide players with an immersive game experience that better integrates into different scenarios. Players can hear interactive cheers from off-site spectators while playing the game.