Suggestion Mining Using Twitter Data

priyansh gupta

priyansh gupta

Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh

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  • 0 Collaborators

Random tweets are mined from twitter on a keyword or a particular hashtag which are then processed further to give suggestions based on their polarity of words and then they get separated in 3 different files positive negative and neutral. We have also implemented the GUI For this in python. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Artificial Intelligence

Student Developers for AI

Intel Technologies
Intel Python

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

In this Project, we will mine random tweets and then each word of a tweet is measured for its polarity then after adding each polarity, we get the unique polarity of each tweet. As all this process is occurring the tweets which gets polarity as positive, negative and neutral they all get stored in different .csv files. And in the last, we finally display all of them in different section using a GUI

Methodology / Approach

We used Tweets from Twitter to mine suggestions of the users of a specific product here we tried to calculate the polarity of a unique word and sum up them to calculate the polarity of each sentence and them cleared them for removal of bad alphanumeric texts and other types of texts and stored them in a text file


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