Stock Price Prediction
- 0 Collaborators
By entering a name of a particular share this model predict the future/expected price of your stock. also give you detailed graph and data visualization. ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Overview / Usage
In this project i developed one model which can be useful for predicting a upcoming prices of your stock.
it is a simple web based project you have to just type name of stock for which you want to know the future price or expected price.
This is very helpful for people which invest more in stock markets also using this model you can approx future price before you invest in this is helpful to investors who want to invest in particular help by predicting future price so you can analyse your future risk before invest.
Methodology / Approach
First of i collect the past data/records from yahoo finance using Pandas Data-Reader.
Data data preprocessing- This part include elimination of noise and normalization of data.
Data Visualization - this part include visualization of data by using matplotlib of python
Data Train & Test - this part include train & test data using sklearn and make a model of regression for estimate future price of stocks.
Also here we use Keras LSTM for recurrent network.
and Keras sequential model.
Technologies Used
Language - Python
Data set - yahoo finance
Algorithm - LSTM
API - Keras