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Sentiment analysis is a method for identifying expressions in a piece of text. Here we are going to identify the sentiment of text using textblob(pip install textblob) and catagorize them into positive or negative This method can be used to track the reaction of people on social media. ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Internet of Things,
Student Developers for AI,
Artificial Intelligence India,
Intel AI DevCamps,
Intel Technologies
Intel Python
Overview / Usage
Sentiment analysis is a method for identifying expressions in a piece of text. Here we are going to identify the sentiment of text using textblob(pip install textblob) and caragorize them into positive or negative This method can be used to track the reaction of people on a particular topic on social media by mining their posts. We can track diffrent peoples emotions with this.
Methodology / Approach
I have used Python textblob library
To Install: "pip install textblob"
Technologies Used
Python Textblob library