Semi-autonomous navigation & Sensor fusion
- 0 Collaborators
The robot will navigate to the desired location using its camera feed with fusion of SONAR ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Intel Technologies
Intel FPGA
Overview / Usage
- Developed a semi-autonomous platform for commercial applications
- Deep learning technique such as pose estimation is used here
- Robot uses its camera to take the reference for different products
- Semi-autonomous navigation is performed
Methodology / Approach
- Robot comprises of camera at the head and thereby it takes the value from the environment by rotating the head to 180 degrees
- Aruco markers or Interactive markers are used as a refernece point
- After the reference points has been identified by the robot it fuse the data with sensor
- Robot chooses the shortest path through the A* algorithm
Technologies Used
- Open CV
- Qi SDK
- Camera data
- Aruco markers
- Pepper Robot