SciGirl: The Internship
- 0 Collaborators
SciGirl: The internship is a 2D action-adventure platformer game about a Science Girl, Sonia, who started an internship in a laboratory where she and her professor are working on stabilizing a chemical that was invented by the professor with which you can shrink or enlarge objects and living matter. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Intel Technologies
Intel® Core™ Processors
Overview / Usage
SciGirl: The internship is a 2D action-adventure platformer game about a Science Girl, who goes by the name Sonia, who started an internship in a laboratory where she and her professor are working on stabilizing a chemical that was invented by the professor with which you can shrink or enlarge objects and living matter. Sonia will be looking for the professor, who disappeared because of a mistake he made while working with the chemical. During her adventure, she will face different enemies, will have to collect items and solve puzzles.
Players will control Sonya from a third-person perspective as she moves through the different levels which are split into four different “worlds”, nanoworld, microworld, miliworld, and miniworld.
Key components of the gameplay are exploration and interaction (combat) with the enemies (NPCs - non-playable characters). The player will use the keyboard for the controls on the Windows/PC version of the game, as well as conventional 2D Platformer mechanics such as jumping, crouching, double-jump, wall climbing, acquiring items, managing inventory, healing, shrinking and enlarging objects and living matter.
The Custom mechanics which are unique for this game are shrinking and enlarging objects and living matter with the help of the suit which is spraying reductojuice.
We've run and probably would run on new problems while developing the game, but our methodology of refining and optimizing things makes the game better and better with every new release. We've
Methodology / Approach
SciGirl: The Internship is built with Unity technology as a base, a game engine for making multi-platform games, Corgi Engine which is a third-party extension plugin to the Unity engine for developing 2D Platformer games. The Unity engine includes a terrain editor, script editor, physic engine and the Corgi engine includes most of the mechanics needed (walking, running, jumping, wall climbing, enemies ai) for a 2D platformer game.