Rubyplot: An advanced plotting library for Ruby

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Developing an advanced plotting library for Ruby as a part of Google Summer of Code 2019 ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

HPC, Artificial Intelligence

Code Samples [1]Links [10]

Overview / Usage

As a part of Google Summer of Code 2019, I am working with The Ruby Science Foundation (SciRuby) to developing an advanced plotting library for Ruby (like Matplotlib for Python). My project has 3 major goals:

  1. Adding ImageMagick backend
  2. Adding a plot and show function (just like plot and show functions in Matplotlib)
  3. Integrating Rubyplot with iruby notebooks

The aim of creating such a library is to create a platform-independent library to be used with ruby for scientific computing and web development. In future, this library will be used for visualization in Machine Learning libraries for Ruby.

Methodology / Approach

Building such a library involves a lot of coordinate geometry and software development.

To add the Imagemagick backend, C bindings are already present in rmagick and using rmagick the backend will be implemented.

Please refer to my blog for further technical details for this project.

Technologies Used

Ruby, ImageMagick


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