Robotic Snake
- 0 Collaborators
a modular snake robot. With power, sensing, communication and control electronic circuit integrated, each rotation module is independent and full featured. Additionally, the control system based on Internet of Things. wireless networking can realize reliable wireless data transmission at low power consumption. Experiments are conducted to show the effectiveness of the mechanical and electronic design and the reliability of the control system. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Robotics, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Graphics and Media
Overview / Usage
The snake robot is made up of five modules. The head module is a wireless camera and linked to the rotation module can
spin within 180 degrees. The tail has a connection arduino nano board. All produced using 3D printing technology and control by Bluetooth with the help of android application.
Methodology / Approach
There are 10 servo motor connected with each other through jumper wire. Each motor can spin till 180 degree and contain wheels. The upper and lower connection are used to hold the full length snake, controller and passive wheels. The flange attached to the rotation axis is fixed on the upper connection. The snake bearing with the same rotation axis as the servo motor is embedded in the lower connection in order to provide a rotation support. The rubber ring is on the passive wheel for the purpose of enough friction. In the head section there is arduino nano and battery for power supply. There are five function inchworm, forward, backward movement with the variation in speed. All the 4 functions are label on the keys of the application.
Technologies Used
arduino , 3D printing, Bluetooth module.