Reinforcement learning with DPC++
Abhishek Nandy
Kolkata, WB
- 0 Collaborators
This DPC++ toolbox is aimed at representing and solving common AI problems, implementing an easy-to-use interface which should be hopefully extensible to many problems, while keeping code readable. ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Overview / Usage
This DPC++ toolbox is aimed at representing and solving common AI problems, implementing an easy-to-use interface which should be hopefully extensible to many problems, while keeping code readable.
We will extend it to FPGA’s with proper Kernel execution
We will extend it to run it in Devcloud
Methodology / Approach
This DPC++ toolbox is aimed at representing and solving common AI problems, implementing an easy-to-use interface which should be hopefully extensible to many problems, while keeping code readable.
We will extend it to FPGA’s with proper Kernel execution
We will extend it to run it in Devcloud
Current Example
// The model can be any custom class that respects a 10-method interface.
auto model = makeTigerProblem();
unsigned horizon = 10; // The horizon of the solution.
// The 0.0 is the convergence parameter. It gives a way to stop the
// computation if the policy has converged before the horizon.
AIToolbox::POMDP::IncrementalPruning solver(horizon, 0.0);
// Solve the model and obtain the optimal value function.
auto [bound, valueFunction] = solver(model);
// We create a policy from the solution to compute the agent's actions.
// The parameters are the size of the model (SxAxO), and the value function.
AIToolbox::POMDP::Policy policy(2, 3, 2, valueFunction);
// We begin a simulation with a uniform belief. We sample from the belief
// in order to get a "real" state for the world, since this code has to
// both emulate the environment and control the agent.
AIToolbox::POMDP::Belief b(2); b << 0.5, 0.5;
auto s = AIToolbox::sampleProbability(b.size(), b, rand);
// We sample the first action. The id is to follow the policy tree later.
auto [a, id] = policy.sampleAction(b, horizon);
double totalReward = 0.0;// As an example, we store the overall reward.
h.parallel_for (int t = horizon - 1; t >= 0; --t) {
// We advance the world one step.
auto [s1, o, r] = model.sampleSOR(s, a);
totalReward += r;
// We select our next action from the observation we got.
std::tie(a, id) = policy.sampleAction(id, o, t);
s = s1; // Finally we update the world for the next timestep.
We are aimimg it supports RL in DPC++ world utilities such as
- Combinatorics
- Linear Programming
- Statistics
- Sampling and distributions
- Games that supported
- Q-Greed Policy
- Softmax
- Q-Learning
- R-Learning
- Double-Q Learning
We will create port from C to DPC
Current Dependencies
Cmake >=3.9
Boost library >=1.67
Eigen 3.3 library
Code Organization
We are maintaining a proper File structure
- Types.hpp
- Utils
- Bandit
- Policies
- Types.hpp
- Algorithms
- Policies
- Types.hpp
- Utils.hpp
- Algorithms
- Policies
- Types.hpp
- Utils.hpp
Markov Decision Process
A Markov Decision Process, or MDP in short, is a way to model a decision making process. Here we will focus on single agent decision making processes, since they are the most simple ones.
Let's start with some definitions:
All starts from the environment. The environment is the setting of our decision making process. The environment changes over discrete timesteps; at each timestep the environment is in one, single, unique state. At each timestep it is said that the environment transitions from one state to another.
In MDPs, it is said that states need to be markovian. What this means is that a state must encode all the information necessary for the decision making process, without leaving anything aside. More precisely, the decision process must not need to look at the past in order to be effective. All information contained in the past history of the environment must be readily available from the current state. For example, time-dependent contingencies are not allowed. If a problem contains them, then timer-like counters must be embedded in the state for the modeling to work, so that a state always contain all the information needed and the past is not relevant for decisions.
The way the environment transitions from a state to another is not necessarily deterministic. From a particular state, the environment can transition to any other state following a certain probability distribution (which CAN be deterministic).
Our goal within the decision making process is to influence the way the environment transitions between states. In some sense, we prefer some states more than others, and thus we would like the environment to be in some state rather than another. We will encode that preference using rewards.
The agent is the entity that is taking the decisions. It is not necessarily corporeal, nor does it actually have to be inside the environment; most times it can be useful to visualize it in such terms though (a unit moving through an environment, for example).
The agent interacts with the environment through actions. An action modifies the way in which the environment transitions from a state to another. Thus, at each timestep, the agent needs to select the action which will maximize its obtained reward.
An agent interacts with the environment using a policy. The policy is what tells the agent what actions to take in each state. A policy can be deterministic or stochastic.
The agent is able to interact with the environment during a certain amount of timesteps. This is called the horizon. The horizon can be either finite, meaning that the agent will stop receiving rewards after a certain number of timesteps, and thus should think only for those, or infinite. In this last case the agent will keep interacting with the environment forever, and should thus plan accordingly.
The last thing we need to define is the discount. The agent tries to maximize the sum of all rewards obtained over time. The discount is a number between 0 and 1, which determines how much rewards obtained in future timesteps affect the agent's decisions, in a geometric progression, so that we try to maximize $\sum_{t=0}^{T} \gamma^t r_t$. A discount of 0 will make the agent greedy as all terms but for the first one become zero. The agent will then take actions that maximize the reward obtained in the next timestep, and nothing else. A discount of 1 will make the agent lazy, as a reward obtained new will be "worth" the same as a reward obtained in the future, so it will delay reward-obtaining actions possibly indefinitely.
Armed with our new vocabulary, we can now define an MDP more formally. An MDP is a tuple <S, A, T, R, d>, where:
S is a set of states. This is basically a list of all possible states the environment can ever be in.
A is a set of actions. This is a list of all the actions that an agent can take. Normally, in an MDP setting, we assume that the agent can select any actions all the time; as in, there are no states where some action is blocked.
T is a transition function. This describes the way that the environment is allowed to evolve; in other words, the dynamics of the environment. It specifies for any triple <s, a, s'> the probability that the environment will transition from s to s', if the agent selects action a.
R is a reward function. Its shape is the same as T, and it contains the arbitrary rewards (positive or negative) that the agent will obtain depending on how the environment transitions. The reward function specifies for any triple <s, a, s'> the reward that the agent will obtain.
d is the discount factor, which we discussed above.
MDP Example
Let's try to create an MDP to show how it would work out in practice. Our problem is going to be the following:
Suppose you have a grid shaped world, of 11 cells by 11 cells. The world loops on itself like a torus, so that the top and bottom borders are connected with each other, and the same is true for the left and right borders. Two creatures walk this world: a tiger, and an antelope. Both creatures can move in the following way: up, down, left or right or stand still. When they decide to move, their movement is deterministic. The two creatures have different goals.
The goal of the antelope is to not get eaten by the tiger. However it is pretty clueless in doing so; in fact, it always moves or stands randomly, aside from when the tiger is directly next to it. In that case, it will move randomly anywhere, but towards the tiger.
The tiger has the goal of catching the antelope. Once it catches it, the game ends. What would be the best way for it to move?
Let's think about how to encode this world into an MDP. We will go through each component of the MDP and try to fill it out.
State Space (S)
There seem to be no time dependent components, so that makes it easier for us to create the states. In this case a naive approach would be to use the current coordinates of both the tiger and the antelope as our state. Each pair of coordinate is unique and encodes all the information the tiger needs to act.
We might as well add some code in order to determine the distance between two coordinates, since we will need this later.
constexpr int SQUARE_SIZE = 11;
using CoordType = std::array<int, 4>;
enum {
TIGER_X = 0,
TIGER_Y = 1,
ANTEL_X = 2,
// Returns distance between coordinates. It is consistent with
// the wraparound world.
int wrapDiff( int coord1, int coord2 ) {
int diff = coord2 - coord1;
int distance1 = std::abs( diff ), distance2 = SQUARE_SIZE - distance1;
if ( distance1 < distance2 ) return diff;
return diff > 0 ? -distance2 : distance2;
Action Space (A)
The tiger can move, and possibly stand still. Thus, it has 5 actions.
size_t A = 5;
enum {
UP = 0,
DOWN = 1,
LEFT = 2,
RIGHT = 3,
Transition Function (T)
Transition functions are generally the most time consuming part of defining an MDP, and where it's easier to make mistakes. The transition function is needed since, in general, exact MDP solving methods rely on it to find out the best policy for the problem. You do not necessarily need to manually create a table containing all of them, as long as you can compute them on the fly. This however can become very expensive computationally depending on the method you use; how much of the transition function you want to cache is your decision to make.
In this function we specify the probability of ending up in a certain tiger-antelope state, given that the tiger has taken a certain action from a certain initial state.
double getTransitionProbability( const CoordType & c1, size_t action, const CoordType & c2 ) {
// We compute the distances traveled by both the antelope and the tiger.
int tigerMovementX = wrapDiff( c1[TIGER_X], c2[TIGER_X] );
int tigerMovementY = wrapDiff( c1[TIGER_Y], c2[TIGER_Y] );
int antelMovementX = wrapDiff( c1[ANTEL_X], c2[ANTEL_X] );
int antelMovementY = wrapDiff( c1[ANTEL_Y], c2[ANTEL_Y] );
// Both the tiger and the antelope can only move by 1 cell max at each
// timestep. Thus, if this is not the case, the transition is
// impossible.
if ( std::abs( tigerMovementX ) +
std::abs( tigerMovementY ) > 1 ) return 0.0;
if ( std::abs( antelMovementX ) +
std::abs( antelMovementY ) > 1 ) return 0.0;
// The tiger can move only in the direction specified by its action. If
// it is not the case, the transition is impossible.
if ( action == STAND && ( tigerMovementX || tigerMovementY ) ) return 0.0;
if ( action == UP && tigerMovementY != 1 ) return 0.0;
if ( action == DOWN && tigerMovementY != -1 ) return 0.0;
if ( action == LEFT && tigerMovementX != -1 ) return 0.0;
if ( action == RIGHT && tigerMovementX != 1 ) return 0.0;
// Now we check whether the tiger was next to the antelope or not
int diffX = wrapDiff( c1[TIGER_X], c1[ANTEL_X] );
int diffY = wrapDiff( c1[TIGER_Y], c1[ANTEL_Y] );
// If they were not adjacent, then the probability for any move of the
// antelope is simply 1/5: it behaves randomly.
if ( std::abs( diffX ) + std::abs( diffY ) > 1 ) return 1.0 / 5.0;
// Otherwise, first we check that the move was allowed, as
// the antelope cannot move where the tiger was before.
if ( c1[TIGER_X] == c2[ANTEL_X] && c1[TIGER_Y] == c2[ANTEL_Y] ) return 0.0;
// The last test is to check whether they were both in the same cell before.
// In that case the game would have ended, and nothing would happen anymore.
// We model this as a self-absorbing state, or a state that always transitions
// to itself.
if ( diffX + diffY == 0 ) {
if ( c1 == c2 ) return 1.0;
else return 0.0;
// Else the probability of this transition is 1 / 4, still random but without
// a possible antelope action.
return 1.0 / 4.0;
Reward Function (R)
Here we define the reward function. Fortunately for us, this can be easily done: we will reward the tiger when it catches the antelope with a reward of 10, and otherwise it will get no reward. In this particular example the amount of reward the tiger obtains does not really matter, as long as it is positive, but 10 looks nice. When the agent has multiple ways to obtain reward, their relative magnitude starts to get an important role in the final policy of the agent!
double getReward( const CoordType & c ) {
if ( c[TIGER_X] == c[ANTEL_X] && c[TIGER_Y] == c[ANTEL_Y] ) return 10.0;
return 0.0;
We want the tiger to catch the antelope. We want it to catch it no matter how far it is, and at the same time we do not want it to wait forever to catch it. To model this, a high discount value makes sense. A low discount value tends to rapidly devalue reward far in the future, and it can happen, if the tiger takes too much, that floating point errors will eat the reward before the solving method can compute the best policy. A high discount value avoids this problem; however, the time that the method takes to converge to the best solution increases as the number of timesteps it must look in the future increases.
constexpr double discount = 0.9;
The MDP Model
One more thing needs to be addressed. Every problem has in general a different type of state. In this case, it is a set of coordinates, but depending on your specific setting, it might be significantly different. This is problematic, because there's no simple way, for example, to iterate over custom states. Since states are unique, this library abstracts over this problem, and requires states to be integers. Thus, we write some code to automatically convert our states into integers:
size_t encodeState(const CoordType & coords) {
size_t state = 0; unsigned multiplier = 1;
for ( auto c : coords ) {
state += multiplier * c;
multiplier *= SQUARE_SIZE;
return state;
CoordType decodeState(size_t state) {
CoordType coords;
for ( auto & c : coords ) {
c = state % SQUARE_SIZE;
state /= SQUARE_SIZE;
return coords;
Finally, we are going to wrap all the functions we have written into a single class with an interface that AIToolbox can recognize. Here is our final wrapper:
class GridWorld {
// The number of possible states of our model is equal to all the
// possible coordinates that the antelope and the tiger could have.
size_t getS() const { return SQUARE_SIZE * SQUARE_SIZE * SQUARE_SIZE * SQUARE_SIZE; }
// This function returns the number of available actions to the agent
size_t getA() const { return ::A; }
// This one gets the discount of the model
double getDiscount() const { return ::discount; }
double getTransitionProbability( size_t s, size_t a, size_t s1 ) const {
return ::getTransitionProbability( decodeState( s ), a, decodeState( s1 ) );
// This function needs to take parameters as the transition one,
// but we are lucky and our model only needs one of them to know
// the reward!
double getExpectedReward( size_t, size_t, size_t s1 ) const {
return ::getReward( decodeState( s1 ) );
// These two functions are needed to keep template code in the library
// simple, but you don't need to implement them for the method we use
// in this example. Look into AIToolbox::MDP::is_generative_model and
// AIToolbox::MDP::is_model to know more about this.
std::tuple<size_t, double> sampleSR(size_t,size_t) const;
bool isTerminal(size_t) const;
The Actual Planning Code
We use the AIToolbox::MDP::ValueIteration algorithm in order to solve the MDP and obtain the solution (also called value function). From it, it's possible to create a policy which will dictate how the tiger will move in the environment to catch the antelope.
int main() {
GridWorld world;
// This is a method that solves MDPs completely. It has a couple of
// parameters available, but in our case the defaults are perfectly
// fine.
AIToolbox::MDP::ValueIteration solver;
std::cout << "Starting solver!\n";
// This is where the magic happens. This could take around 10-20 minutes,
// depending on your machine (most of the time is spent recomputing
// transition probabilities, however, since we don't cache them here.
// But you can play with the code and make it better!).
auto solution = solver(world);
std::cout << "Problem solved? " << std::get<0>(solution) << "\n";
AIToolbox::MDP::Policy policy(world.getS(), world.getA(), std::get<1>(solution));
std::cout << "Printing best actions when prey is in (5,5):\n\n";
for ( int y = 10; y >= 0; --y ) {
for ( int x = 0; x < 11; ++x ) {
std::cout << policy.sampleAction( encodeState(CoordType{{x, y, 5, 5}}) ) << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "\nSaving policy to file for later usage...\n";
// You can load up this policy again using ifstreams.
// You will not need to solve the model ever again, and you
// can embed the policy into any application you want!
std::ofstream output("policy.txt");
output << policy;
return 0;
Technologies Used
Intel One API