Real-Time Face Emotion Recognition
- 0 Collaborators
Facial expressions would speak a lot than oral communication. Most of the sentences being communicated orally are not free from confusions. Such confusions can better be solved with the knowledge on associated facial expression. This problem is solved here by Recognizing Emotion using Deep Learning. ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Student Developers for AI
Intel Technologies
Overview / Usage
To develop and implement algorithms for identifying the emotions expressed by a person based on his / her face images in a real time video. The problem lies in detecting and tracking of face images of a person in a video to identify the best instance to identify the facial expression of the person. Further, it also lies in developing a machine learning algorithm to label the instance of a face image by one of the predetermined emotional expressions such as happy, angry, neutral, sad, and surprise.
Methodology / Approach
Dataset: A video of Friends TV series that i downloaded from youtube was labelled by me using Intel's CVAT tool for video annotation. Extracted all the labeled images from given two videos along with their labels. Other than that I used Kaggle’s Face Emotion Recognition data 2013. The kaggle data is actually in csv format, so I wrote a script to convert pixels to image so as to streamline my overall data. I then generated a csv with a path to all the images and their labels. After that I split the dataset 70% training, of the remaining 30%, 33% was used for validation and 66% was used as test data.
Model: I chose VGGnet as my model for training. I used VGGnet because it gave a good trade-off between accuracy and training time. It is a comparatively smaller CNN and gives considerably good accuracy.
Training: Total number of images= 41350. This was a very good amount of data, but as it is said the more the merrier, and so I augmented the data. Augmentation would also allow my model to better generalize the features of each emotion. I used ImageDataGenerator from keras to augment the data. I stopped my training at the 659th epoch as my model had saturated and wasn’t able to learn more. It gave 73% training accuracy and 70% test accuracy.
Real Time emotion recognition: My first basic approach for detecting faces and classifying emotion was to use haarcascade. It worked well using my laptop's webcam gave almost accurate real-time results. But when I ran the same on three videos of Test dataset provided, I found out that majority of faces weren’t getting detected. Also frontalfacehaarcascade.xml wouldn’t even recognise the face even if there is slight tilt in the face. Here’s when I read about other real-time face detection techniques and came across MTCNN(Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Networks). I integrated MTCNN to work with my code. It definitely was a great improvement over haarcascade method but it still fails to detect some faces efficiently like those faces with a lot of beared. I wish I had time to fine tune it but as of now, I used pre-trained MTCNN for detection of faces.
Technologies Used
I used DevCloud for training the network.
I used Intel's CVAT annotation tool which is one of the easiest to use tool for annotating Images and especially Videos.