


Mariupol', Donetsk Oblast

3 1
  • 0 Collaborators

Re.Surs is a story-driven action-adventure game with 2D shooter elements where the player can control various heroes with unique abilities. Shoot, dash, kick and hack monsters as you try to uncover the secrets of the Re.Surs dark energy and demons' interdimensional invasion. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Game Development

Intel Technologies
Intel CPU, Intel Integrated Graphics

Links [3]

Overview / Usage


  • A story-driven game of fighting through different places, you will visit technological Modern-City and Nexus Tower labs, the pyramids in Saxara-City, as well as the abandoned places of Enjoy-City - the city of pleasure.
  • Use multiple weapons to fight the armies of enemies.
  • Use the heroes’ arsenal and abilities in the battle against the bosses that will come your way.
  • Approach the battle wisely: switch heroes in time and use their ultimate abilities to overcome your enemies.
  • Uncover the secrets of Modern-City and Re.Surs - specific source of dark energy.

Unique Heroes To Play

  • Detective Jessie has the skills to dash quickly, which allows her to take better positions, and her ultimate ability allows you to destroy multiple enemies at the same time!
  • Basil B has control abilities: enemies have no chance to get close to him, and the ultimate ability allows you to apply this effect massively!
  • Helga Hoft can move easily vertically and is also assisted by a hand-held drone turret in battle, making her the most valuable hero in battles against large hordes of enemies!

The game is a fast-paced 2D shooter that also features an intricate plot. Players can switch heroes while battling hordes of monsters and the gigantesque bosses.

Methodology / Approach

Solo developing is not quite a methodology, but the result-oriented and iterative approach moves you forward every day.

Technologies Used

  • Unity
  • Unity plugins (Localization, 2D Physics engine, Full-screen effects, etc.)
  • Aseprite, Photoshop (as freelance artists say)
  • BitBucket + SourceTree
  • Audacity
  • Microsoft Word + Excel (for scenario texts)
  • Trello (for task management)
  • Discord (for communicating with artists)
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