Ray Tracing Innovation Unleashed Using Intel® oneAPI Rendering Toolkit
- 0 Collaborators
Video [2:34]: In this preview, customers reveal ray tracing & rendering innovation in films (Pixar, DreamWorks, Marvel Studios…), SciVis (Argonne Nat’l Labs, NASA…), 3D product design (Bentley Motors…) & more -- delivered using powerful open source libraries in Intel® oneAPI Rendering Toolkit. ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
oneAPI, HPC, Artificial Intelligence, Graphics and Media
Intel Technologies
Intel ISPC
Overview / Usage
Customers reveal their amazing ray tracing and rendering innovations in films and VFX, SciVis, 3D product and architectural design, and more -- all made possible through using powerful open source libraries in Intel® oneAPI Rendering Toolkit and Intel® processors. The showcase includes Pixar’s Soul movie and Marvel Studios and Digital Domain’s Avengers: Infinity Wars; scientific and HPC simulations with Argonne National Laboratory, NASA, and the Stephen Hawking Centre for Theoretical Cosmology; and product design with Bentley Motors Limited¾plus many others demonstrating usages with Intel’s rendering toolkit that spans multiple domains. With these libraries, developers can create high-performance, high-fidelity visualization applications and accelerate demanding workloads, and interactively visualize huge datasets (terabytes) embracing full system memory beyond today’s memory limits of GPU add-in cards. Innovative features include model complexity beyond triangles, path tracing, combined volume and geometry rendering, and more. Get the most from Intel® hardware on CPUs and future Xe/GPU architecture and cost-effectively scale solutions across laptops, workstations, enterprise, HPC and cloud.
- Free download or access the Intel® DevCloud for oneAPI to try them out.
- Learn more: http://www.intel.com/oneAPI-RenderKit
Methodology / Approach
Please see the credits at the end of the video for the tools used by customers to create each amazing clip or photo.
Technologies Used
Tools used in the video include DreamWorks MoonRay, Framestore Freak Renderer, Animal Logc Glimpse, Chaos Group V-Ray, Maxon Cinema 4D and others.
Each clip or photo was created on Intel® processors and optimized using the Intel® oneAPI Rendering Toolkit. The toolkit includes the following libraries: Intel® Embree, Intel® OSPRay, Intel® Open Volume Kernel, Intel® Open Image Denoise and Intel® OpenSWR.