Quantum Circuit Simulation Using Intel oneAPI
- 0 Collaborators
The project deals with simulating a quantum system and optimising it using Intel oneApi. ...learn more
Project status: Concept
Intel Technologies
Overview / Usage
The project deals with simulation of a quantum system and optimising it using Intel oneAPI, taking the basic understanding from existing algorithms and optimize it make it faster and able to run on plethora of devices, unlocking potential to better understand how the quantum world behave. Quantum circuit simulation has always been a challenge given large computation power is required to simulate multiple qubit systems. We will be staring a single system to a composite system as the project moves forward. Classical computers would be able to simulate quantum gates and operation and help researchers and developers to study quantum behaviors without the need of much sophisticated system.
Methodology / Approach
Quantum circuit simulation is an important problem in quantum computing. Simulating quantum circuits on classical computers is a necessary step in the development of quantum algorithms and applications, and can help researchers and developers understand how quantum systems behave.
However, simulating large quantum circuits can be computationally expensive and time-consuming, and can require specialized hardware and software. This is where a quantum circuit simulator using** Intel OneAPI** can help.
By leveraging the powerful tools and libraries provided by Intel OneAPI, a quantum circuit simulator can be optimized for high-performance and run efficiently on a variety of hardware platforms, including CPUs and GPUs. This can significantly reduce the time and resources required to simulate large quantum circuits, making it easier for researchers and developers to explore the behavior of quantum systems and develop new quantum algorithms and applications.
Furthermore, a quantum circuit simulator using Intel OneAPI can provide a common framework for simulating quantum circuits that can be used across different quantum programming languages and platforms. This can help to standardize the simulation process and make it easier for researchers and developers to collaborate and share their work.
Overall, a quantum circuit simulator using Intel OneAPI can help to address the computational challenges of simulating large quantum circuits and accelerate the development of quantum algorithms and applications.
The High performance Computing toolkit will be used to develop the project and QS library.
What is intel oneAPI ?
A interface for heterogeneous computing, a hardware abstraction layer that enables the interoperability of services no matter th os, middleware and XPUs, application. Promotes parallelization and code reuse to focus on development rather than code porting. It's a interface for all.
Technologies Used
* Intel HPC toolkit oneAPi
* QS library - https://github.com/intel/intel-qs