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QATIZ - The Artificial intelligence for Identifying & Responding to Unsafe People Behaviors

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Artificial intelligence for detecting behavioral problems and conduct disorder in private and public spaces. ...learn more

Robotics, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence

Overview / Usage

Unsafe people behavior causes more accidents than unsafe conditions of public or private spaces. QATIZ is a visual computing system trained to identify danger patterns of moving people and objects in the scene, alerting them to possible dangers. The QATIZ system uses an Intel NUC and an Intel RealSense Camera.

Some common examples of patterns the system has been trained to identify and alert:
-Handbags unaccompanied in malls or airports.
-Agglomeration of people.
-People in risk areas on a train platform.
-People in risk areas in a parking lot.

As an autonomous demographic survey system, QATIZ with its machine learning process is able of identifying:

-How many people are in a business establishment.
-How many people are in a line.
-How many people are on an escalator or elevator.

*QATIZ comes from QTZ code, adopted by radio services and amateur radio stations to transmit " I am continuing the search for...". QATIZ has the same meaning, a continuous searching for something, but using Artificial Intelligence.

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