Project Genesis
- 0 Collaborators
Explore galactic worlds and decide the future of deep space in Project Genesis, a fast-paced, multiplayer first-person shooter that features deep space combat in sci-fi battle craft. Fight as a conscious AI in sci-fi environments and navigate the complex forces competing for stellar domination. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Overview / Usage
Two dynamic game genres fuse together in Project Genesis, the Sci-Fi PVP shooter from 8 Circuit Studios that blends space combat with first-person shooter engagements. Designed with the FPS player in mind, Project Genesis merges visceral FPS combat with frenetic battle craft dogfights, utilizing traditional shooter mechanics in both arenas. Pilots are thrust into an exhilarating, binary arena that transcends the bounds of the two genres, immersing players in explosive, multi-faceted warfare.
Started in 2018, Project Genesis was created to provide players a twist on the traditional FPS-meets-vehicle genres by introducing the Breach-and-Board mechanic. The unique Breach & Board mechanic transitions players between the battle craft and Avatar combat environments and provides a seamless experience between the arenas, fusing the two game genres together. Players can breach giant capital ship hulls to quickly infiltrate enemy vessels and wreak havoc below decks in close quarters FPS combat.
Emphasizing quick travel between battle craft and avatars with an additional "transference" option, creates a highly dynamic flow between the space combat and fps theaters. Project Genesis intentionally leverages gameplay elements that will be recognizable to players from FPS genres by following standards established by AAA FPS titles. Disengaging from conventional control schemes for flight-based game models (ie. airplane-style flight), Project Genesis utilizes established FPS control models for battle craft space combat and first-person engagements alike.
Blending these two genres into a cohesive experience has created a platform to inject unique mechanics and gameplay styles that add depth and complexity to the player’s game sensibilities, mechanical skill, and theory crafting.