- Projects 8
- Followers 209
Avirup Basu
Siliguri, West Bengal
We will be using the OpenVino toolkit to find out the details of a Plant anatomy with focus on different plant species using the Vision API as well as the Open CV available and try to find and distinguish between the species in abundance or extinct ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
RealSense™, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence
Intel Technologies
Intel Opt ML/DL Framework
The different steps performed are
Gather plant data from google images.
We will train our dataset using Tensorflow or Caffe using the Open Vino toolkit and create a model out of it.
Optimize our model to create an *.xml and *.bin file
Then we will create a setup using the Inference API so that it is easily gets optimized results on the CPU using the camera and finally we can see the Plant type.
We will be using the approach to identify between different plant species and what are the families for them.We will also be able to identify if the plant species are in abundance or verge of extinction.We will create a dataset of images for the plants create a model using Tensorflow or Caffe and then optimize and Inference it to the PC.More Steps associated are shared in the document with the code structure too.
Intel powered PC
Intel open Vino toolkit
Realsense Camera
Siliguri, West Bengal
Jalpaiguri, West Bengal