Pharmacy 4.0
- 0 Collaborators
Using the concept of Industry 4.0 satisfying Smart Machine, Smart Robotics and Smart Manufacturing for a cost-effective solution for pharmacy industry that will increase productivity, limit human intervention, avoid physical confusion and maximise the output in limited time. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Overview / Usage
Pharmacy 4.0 Cloud connected Computer Numeric Control (CNC) machine based Multi-Axes Motion Control robot for Automated Medicine dispensing and customer-oriented solution for delivering correct medicine with precision and keep updating regarding medicine to the customer
Pharmacy 4.0 will be having following objectives: -
• Automate the medicine store process through the prescription.
• Increase precision in searching carrying and dispensing of Drug.
• Increase productivity compared to manual stores.
• Maximize profit in pharmacy industry.
• To minimize medication error.
• Remote monitoring medicine dispensing through cloud.
• Reduce manpower and human resource.
• Inform the Customer from cloud about their time of medicine.
• Keep the health record of customer and interact with the customer .
• Enhanced user authentication for drug dispensing.
Methodology / Approach
Pharmacy 4.0 system is divided into three axes (X, Y, Z). The design consists of a base chassis on which the whole system stands. The base chassis houses all the servo drives, power supply, PLC, wiring, servo motors, etc. The base chassis has **four servo motors **that are attached with gear box, which are further attached with the ball screw. The chassis along with the ball screw and servo forms the X axis.Above the chassis runs vertically four aluminium extrusion which supports the Y axis for the system. The Y axis moves vertically up or down using one lead screw with four bolts attached to the base of a sliding rack. The lead screws are rotated by servo motors coupled to it and are placed inside the chassis. The Z **axis **is above the rack of Y axis and moves the gripper toward or away from the wall. An HMI is attached to the side of the robot for real time monitoring, start, stop, emergency stop, etc.
Technologies Used
IoT cloud for Remote access
OpenCV (Open VINO could be use instead) for image recognition
Laser Based scanner for order acceptance
PLC, robotic manipulator, Hybrid DC motor, Stepper motor