Online Patient Monitoring System
- 0 Collaborators
Online Patient Monitoring System use mosquitto API and raspberry and react js to channel a doctor remotely. Doctor will able to detect bpm, Body temprature and heart sound by VOIP service. ...learn more
Project status: Concept
Overview / Usage
This will explain the details about the overall background for the proposed system of Remote patient channeling system. Introduction to the project will be given here. Then this chapter will be concerned about existing problems in previous systems and indicate benefits of the proposed system. And the aim of the project will be explained. At the end of this chapter, the project objectives and limitations also will be concerned. This proposed system will be provided facilities for make an appointment with the doctor. During these days most of the channeling systems use manual systems to manage appointments, keep records of patients; doctors and drugs. Patient can log into system and can view available doctors. After it can choose a doctor and make an appointment. Then you have to be online at that appointment time. And wear that hardware part to send your body parameters (values) to doctor. Then doctor will diagnose you and it will send a prescription or what to do. This is the basic idea of the system. This thesis presents our remote patient channeling system. We are going to develop an automated system as the solution that would be accessible by all personals who are related to this system. We expect the solution will give very encouraging results