Observing OpenMP GPU runtime events with the OMPT interface using oneAPI
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Using the OpenMP tool interface in the oneAPI OpenMP implementation to observe GPU runtime events on Intel GPUs. ...learn more
Project status: Concept
Overview / Usage
OpenMP 5.0 introduced the OpenMP tools (OMPT) interface which allows first-party tools to be notified about OpenMP runtime events and to trace activity on target devices. This allows tools to observe runtime events without the need to modify the target application.
This project demonstrates the use of the oneAPI OMPT interface to observe OpenMP events on the host device related to GPU offloading, using Intel DevCloud GPUs. A simple matrix multiplication application is used to demonstrate events triggered by a target region.
Building on this prototype, later work will make greater use of the device tracing interface to trace target device events related to the offloading of tasks.
Technologies Used
Intel oneAPI
Intel GPU