Overview / Usage
Hello! My Burger Biz is a game that serving the old ways of a mini tycoon's game.
In this game, we challenge you to create the most amazingly delicious Burger Recipe. Feel the taste of fun when experimenting ingredient amount of your burger. Will you be able to satisfy your costumer?
Next? Test it up!
Test your Recipe to your costumer right away! Starts sell the burger that you’ve made to people. See if they love it, or hate it. Change the recipe if they hate it, don’t be worry, there’s always be tomorrow :)
Stock it up!
If you sell something, you’ll need ingredient to make it. That’s the same way with your delicious burger recipe! Always stock your ingredient to avoid your costumer to be mad because they can’t taste your burger. We also provide you the data of your sale. Read data maybe a little bit tricky to some people, but data won’t be lie. Data will tell you how many people in love with your burger. It also will help you to gain more profit than to lose it.
So let’s getting started and play it!
Shall we start your almighty awesome burger business??