Mission Kitchen
- 0 Collaborators
Mission Kitchen is all about avoiding the food wastage and efficient usage of resources. ...learn more
Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence
Student Developers for AI
Overview / Usage
My solution has got the different range of technologies under the hood. So we term it under “Internet of Things”. At first, our quantity measurements are being taken and should be made available to the user via the application targeting the android users (Latter on different platforms). This can be done by using ultrasonic sensor as a measuring aid and these measurements are sent to microcontroller (Arduino or NodeMCU) for taking the decisions and posting it to the cloud. Now once this data will be posted to the cloud via (ESP8266 or NodeMCu) to the firebase(database) by addressing time stamps. Time stamps are useful for further analysis and tuning of data. Once the data is posted to the cloud that data is being fed to the machine learning algorithms for the predictive maintenance of the data that is been recorded on the basis of time stamps. The raw data which is in JSON format will be schematically processed for data analytics and for user statistics. Now, once the processing and prediction is available the data will be posted to the application
“Kitchen” by using API’s and pulling the data from REST services to the application.
The user has facility for Multi user authentication. He also can be able to see the statistics of gas usage and get the predictions of the completion of gas. They also can get to know what recipes’ can be done with the available food items and to how many people they can serve the food. They also get the text based suggestions on the particular healthy foods they can cook and also we will get a reminder to buy the quantities required for a festival enhancing the festive vibes. This is what our solution can do by simplifying the human lives in the daily busy schedule.