Minha cidade

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  • 0 Collaborators

Free application made for you citizen who seeks better to understand the investments and public spending of the cities of Brazil ...learn more

Internet of Things

Student Developers for AI

Overview / Usage

Minha Cidade is a platform for analyzing public data extracted from municipal transparencies. The idea came from Josué Paiva Benardino, one of the team members who created and developed My City, which was improved and implemented by him and the other team members. The development process began during the first phase of the 2017 Hackfest programming marathon, reaching the final stage as one of the top 10 projects e we finished with the second place . Promoted by the Ministério Público da Paraíba (MPPB) in partnership with the Paraibana Communication Network, with the Controladoria Geral da União (CGU), the Tribunal de Contas do Estado da Paraíba (TCE) and other institutions, the marathon occurred during the days 9 and 11 June 2017, with the aim of involving society in the fight against corruption and improving public services through the development of technological solutions.

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