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cyberpunk micro-voxel city simulator ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Game Development, Graphics and Media
Intel Technologies
Intel CPU,
Intel vTune
Overview / Usage
real micro-voxel architecture, unique custom voxel engine, powered by Vulkan.
voxels are fully dynamic and have material; attributes.
parallel update and submission of voxels to the gpu. (PCI Express Bandwidth, cpu keeping gpu busy with async compute, transfers and graphics)
hybrid rasterization and shader based volumetric ray-marching w/ reflections
efficient volumetric representation in memory, cache usage and parallel usage. contiguous.
unlimited lights. any voxel can be a light source. custom compute shader technology.
Methodology / Approach
Intel TBB is integral. Voxels are inherently embarrassingly parallel, and TBB does a lot of efficient parallel execution for all the dynamic voxels in a very fast way.
Technologies Used
Intel TBB