Mandelbrot Fractal Renderrer
- 0 Collaborators
To test parallelsim, fractal calculation serves as the best example due to its compute heavy nature. Instruction (SIMD, AVX etc) comparisons with speed & graph of power of parallelisation for: vanilla (base program) : vanilla.c ⌘ implicit-simd : implicit-simd.c ⌘ openmp-simd : openmp-simd.c ⌘ cilkplus-simd : cilkplus-simd.c ⌘ explicit-simd : explicit-simd.c ⌘ openmp-loop : openmp-loop.c ⌘ cilkplus-loop : cilkplus-loop.c ⌘ thread-loop : thread-loop.c ⌘ openmp-offload : openmp-offload.c ⌘ openacc-offload : openacc-offload.c ⌘ cuda-offload1 : cuda-offload1.c ⌘ cuda-offload2 : cuda-offload2.c ⌘ cuda-offload3 : cuda-offload3.c ⌘ ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Student Developers for AI
Overview / Usage
Methodology / Approach
Technologies Used
gcc, OpenMp, CUDA, c++