Learn quest – a virtual reality based system for training autistic kids
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Childhood is the best part of life. A child enjoys anything and everything in this world without any discriminations. It is also the period of rapid brain development, where the kids learn the stepping stones for life. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a group of developmental disabilities that causes major impairments in social, communication and behavioural aspects of the children. Unlike other children, an autistic kid finds it difficult to go along and communicate with others. Social interactions and communication are the major aspects for peaceful living of any human being, and these children face difficulties in the same. So, we have developed a virtual reality based game engine that would attract the children and make them enjoy interacting with it while increasing the chance for learning. As the children continue playing this game, their learning and interacting ability increases nullifying some effects of autism, thus making it a boon for these kids. ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Overview / Usage
An application based on the Virtual Reality to get the autistic kids better learning. The application is gesture based and very interactive in nature. Kids shall get the learning step by step and it is gesture based.
Methodology / Approach
The application works just based on the integration of the above explained software and hardware. First the leap motion sensor is
calibrated and ensured for proper working. It senses the motion of hands and gestures in its own environment. This leap motion sensor is integrated with the application. The complete application is built with unity, right from developing and rendering objects to attaching scripts to them for properties. Once, leap is integrated into the application, it is ready for use. When the child moves hands, the gestures are sensed by the Leap motion device and send to the simulated VR environment. The scripts attached to the objects,
track the gestures and movement and mimic the same in the environment. Finally, the game is to be completed following the instructions
Technologies Used
Unity, Virtual Reality, Leap Motion Sensor