Intelligent Walking aid for the visually impaired
- 0 Collaborators
The device is used to aurally guide the people. ...learn more
Project status: Concept
Overview / Usage
The device has proximity infrared sensors which provide the vibration alert to avoid the obstacles. The RFID tags can be installed into public building and it is also integrated into blind person’s walking stick through RFID sensor .The whole device is designed to be small and is used in conjunction with the white cane. This device is connected to an android phone through Bluetooth. An android application is designed which gives voice navigation based on RFID tags read and also updates person’s location information on the server. Also, vibration alerts are provided through the smartphone on obstacle detection. One more application is designed for family members to access the blind person’s location through the server, whenever needed.
The proposed intelligent device, alerts the person on occurrence of obstacles based on distance between the person and the obstacle. It also traces the current location of the person and is available on demand for the relatives toknow his whereabouts.
Methodology / Approach
The proposed device is focuses on the visually impaired people who cannot walk independently in unfamiliar environment. The main aim of our system is to help the blind people to move independently in the unfamiliar environment.Fig.3 shows the architecture of the proposed system.
The system has four main modules:
A. PCB unit and RFID sensor
The first is PCB unit, which consists of 89c51 microcontroller [5], Bluetooth HC05, MAX232 [6], ADC 0808 [7] and IR sensors. Along with these components, there will also be an RFID sensor.
89c51 Microcontroller is used to control the various elements on the PCB unit.
IR sensors are used for obstacle detection. IR sensors emits the infrared rays, so when obstacle, rays will be reflected to the sensors. The sensors will then transmit this data to the microprocessor which in turn, via Bluetooth transfers this information to the android application on the phone carried by the blind person. The phone gives vibration alerts and speech output to blind person.
RFID tags and sensors [8] are used to provide additional information about the location to the blind person as RFID tags are read by the sensor and speech output is given accordingly to the user.
This PCB unit is mounted on the white cane.
B. Visually Impaired Person’s Android Application
Second part of the system is android application [9] in the visually impaired person’s Smartphone. The relative or a family member of that person will have to start and configure the application. This android phone is connected and synchronized with the PCB unit through Bluetooth which is mounted on PCB unit. Android phone gives the speech output for obstacle detection or RFID tags read by the PCB unit to the user. It will also give vibration alerts when obstacle is detected.
C. Server
Third part of the system is server. Server stores the information about the location of the blind person. As blind person moves from one place to other, location will get updated on server. Glassfish server [10] is used for this purpose.
D. Monitoring User’s Android Application
The monitoring user’s android application is the part of the system which will be used by relatives or family members of the blind person to access his latest location stored in the server.
After integrating all these parts, the system formed, will be useful for the blind person to move from one place to other place.