Insightful classification of crystal structures using deep learning
- 0 Collaborators
we propose a machine learning-based approach to automatically classify structures by crystal symmetry. First, we represent crystals by calculating a diffraction image, then construct a deep learning neural network model for classification. Our approach is able to correctly classify a dataset comprising more than 100,000 simulated crystal structures, including heavily defective ones. The internal operations of the neural network are unraveled through attentive response maps, demonstrating that it uses the same landmarks a materials scientist would use, although never explicitly instructed to do so. Our study paves the way for crystal structure recognition of—possibly noisy and incomplete—three-dimensional structural data in big-data materials science. ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Student Developers for AI
Intel Technologies
Intel Opt ML/DL Framework
Overview / Usage
Computational methods that automatically extract knowledge from data are critical for enabling data-driven materials science. A reliable identification of lattice symmetry is a crucial first step for materials characterization and analytics. Current methods require a user-specified threshold, and are unable to detect average symmetries for defective structures. Here, we propose a machine learning-based approach to automatically classify structures by crystal symmetry. First, we represent crystals by calculating a diffraction image, then construct a deep learning neural network model for classification. Our approach is able to correctly classify a dataset comprising more than 100,000 simulated crystal structures, including heavily defective ones. The internal operations of the neural network are unraveled through attentive response maps, demonstrating that it uses the same landmarks a materials scientist would use, although never explicitly instructed to do so. Our study paves the way for crystal structure recognition of—possibly noisy and incomplete—three-dimensional structural data in big-data materials science.
Methodology / Approach
Two-dimensional diffraction fingerprint
First, for each structure in the dataset (specified by a set of atomic coordinates and lattice vectors), we concatenate three random rotations around the three crystal axes to randomize the initial crystal orientation. Then, we construct the standard conventional cell according to ref.34 using a customized implementation based on the Python Materials Genomics (pymatgen) package58; in particular, we use the convention for triclinic cells—irrespective of the actual lattice type—and no symmetry refinement of the atomic position. This procedure is therefore completely independent from traditional symmetry approaches and robust against randomization of the initial crystal orientation. Finally, we replicate this standard cell in all three directions such that the resulting cluster contains a number of atoms which is as close as possible to a given target number (namely, 250). The size invariance of the diffraction peak locations guarantees that the results are independent from this choice, only the peak widths will slightly change, in accordance with the indetermination principle59 (this was expressly checked for systems ranging from 32 to 1024 atoms). Defective structures are then generated from these supercells by removing or randomly displacing atoms. We have also tested that a random rotation followed by the conventional cell determination applied to already generated defective structures leads to the same result, since this depends on the lattice vectors only.
As mentioned in the main text, we used finite samples instead of periodically repeated crystal structures to explicitly prove the local structure recognition capabilities of the method. Each system is then isotropically scaled by its average atomic bond length (i.e., distance between nearest neighboring atoms). We also noticed that for materials formed by hydrogen or helium the diffraction fingerprint contrast is low due to the small λ of these elements; H and He are indeed notoriously difficult to detect with x-ray diffraction methods because of their small number of electrons (Z = 1 and Z = 2, respectively). However, our main goal here is to introduce a transferable descriptor for crystal structure representation, and not to compare with experimental data. Thus, we are free to choose a different value for the atomic number in order to augment the contrast in the diffraction fingerprint. In particular, we increase the atomic number of the elements by two when calculating the diffraction fingerprint, that is, H is mapped to Li, He to Be, and so on. Moreover, given that the task is to distinguish crystals classes with an image for each system, one needs to choose a wavelength which is much smaller than the spacing between atoms, such that many beams are diffracted simultaneously (because the corresponding Ewald sphere radius is much larger than the lattice spacing)36. Therefore, we use a wavelength of λ = 5.0 × 10−12 m for the incident plane wave, a wavelength typically used in electron diffraction experiments. Indeed, the two-dimensional diffraction fingerprint bears resemblance to experimental scattering techniques such as single-crystal or selected-area electron diffraction; from this perspective, the angle of rotation could be chosen based on specific crystal orientations.
For the (computational) detector, we use a pixel width and height of 4.0 × 10−4 m, and produce a 64 × 64 pixel image as diffraction fingerprint. Since the direct beam does not carry any structural information, and gives raise to a very bright central diffraction spot which compromises the contrast of high-order peaks, we remove this central spot from the diffraction fingerprint setting to zero the intensity within a radius of five pixels from the image center. The two-dimensional diffraction patterns are calculated using the open-source software Condor.
Neural network architecture and training procedure
The architecture of the convolutional neural network was used. Training was performed using Adam optimization with batches of 32 images for 5 epochs with a learning rate 10−3, and cross-entropy as cost function. The convolutional neural network was implemented with TensorFlow and Keras.
Technologies Used
- Intel Xenon Servers (for diffraction pattern computations