Health and Fitness App
- 0 Collaborators
We are working on this App for everyday use where it can help ease daily life of people by monitoring their sleep cycle as in the current times we know that almost nobody gets the sufficient amount of sleep so it'll monitor their sleep cycle and will tell them if they had enough sleep or not . ...learn more
Project status: Concept
Student Developers for oneAPI
Intel Technologies
Intel Opt ML/DL Framework
Overview / Usage
This health and fitness app will monitor the sleep cycles of a person through their smartwatch the microcontroller that we'll use in this project will be OS2 that can monitor the REM and NON-REM sleep cycles of a person using this app and will tell them if they had enough sleep or not . This app also has a fitness feature for Athlete's and people who go the gym but don't have a basic knowledge of the exercises and the machines, this feature will help them train and they can set a daily, weekly or monthly goal and if they can achieve that goal they'll get a reward or a gift card for this . we have made a prototype app without the sensors but we are working on it . We started this project as a part of the Smart India Hackathon 2022 and me and my other team members will be working on it to finish it .