Head Robot
- 0 Collaborators
This head can turn follow the movement, using 5 PIR sensors as motion detection, and little laugh like on scary horror movies ...learn more
Overview / Usage
This project Using Genuino 101, Custom Shield and using 3D Print parts as supporting constructions.
Head Robot combine some animatronic mechanism such as: Animatronic Eyes, Animatronic Mouth and Animatronic Head-Neck.
For Animatronic Eyes, I'm using 2 servos to make X-axis and Y-axis movement. Previously I add two servos for eyelid.
In early developmen, I create all construction using 3D Print Modelling, but finally I have to redevelop all mechanics and structure to fit in Mannequin-Head.
To make the head turn left and right, I'm using 5 PIR (Passive Infra Red) Sensor to detect human movement in front of robot.
When Left sensor detected movement, then the servo on the neck mechanism will turn head to the left, and move X-Axis servo in Eyes turn to the left too.
I Add MP3 Player module to make this robot make a voice when movement detected.
I use Mini DFPlayer MP3 Module, controlled via Serial TX/RX (Genuino101 digital pin 0 and 1), so I can select and play specific mp3 file on that module.