Giants Uprising
- 0 Collaborators
Giants Uprising is a medieval fantasy action adventure game full of Giants and unlimited destruction! Take on the role of a powerful Giant who finally breaks free from enslavement to seek revenge on the ruthless human race. ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Intel Technologies
Intel CPU,
Intel Integrated Graphics
Overview / Usage
**General game description: **Giants Uprising is a medieval fantasy action adventure game full of Giants and unlimited destruction! Take on the role of a powerful Giant who finally breaks free from enslavement to seek revenge on the ruthless human race.
**Development description: **In September 2020 project Giants Uprising underwent total overhaul of everything that was designed and created up until that point. We left simple idea of controlling a big character with destructive power in hands and noble idea of being free as high-level concept of story. From then we changed the artstyle, story, pacing of the game, controls, maps, music.
The Game is currently in Early Access state, v. 1.1.1, available on STEAM and Epic Games Store platforms. We are preparing for another update, aiming at the end of August 2022.
Methodology / Approach
Creating a game requires every department responsible to act as one organism, where communication is key, and updating current status should be crucial for keeping one, coherent vision of the end goal.
That being said, our team works in weekly-sprint mode, where on every monday we have sprint meeting describing current, smaller goal to achieve during the week, and on every Friday we have so-called "Dev Checks" where we collectively talk about our work done during the week, is everyone happy with their work, are we keeping track of the high-level vision etc.
TL;DR description of how we work in this scheme: Idea -> Design -> Review -> (simultaneously) Programming, 2D Concept Art -> whitebox prototype -> 2nd Review of everything -> (simultaneously) 3D asset creation, programming, writing, design -> testing -> bug fixes -> re-testing -> accepting. Repeat with every element.
Technologies Used
- Unreal Engine 4 (4.26)
- Autodesk Maya
- Blender Computer Software
- MotionBuilder
- Adobe Photoshop
- SideFX Houdini
- Adobe Substance 3D Painter
- Adobe Premiere