Getting started - oneAPI vector add sample

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Learning to use DevCloud using one of the sample programs from the oneAPI sample source codes - vector add. ...learn more

Project status: Published/In Market


Intel Technologies
DevCloud, oneAPI, DPC++, Intel Integrated Graphics, Intel CPU

Overview / Usage

Vector Add is the equivalent of a ‘Hello, World!’ sample for data parallel programs. Building and running the code sample verifies that your development environment is set up correctly and demonstrates the use of the core features of DPC. This project is borrowed from the oneAPI sample projects repository and was used to get started with DevCloud and DPC++.

Methodology / Approach

The vector-add is a simple program that adds two large vectors of integers and verifies the results. This program is implemented using C and Data Parallel C (DPC++) for Intel® CPU and accelerators.

The basic DPC++ implementation explained in the code includes device selector, USM, buffer, accessor, kernel, and command groups.

Technologies Used

Technology used here are DevCloud, OneAPI, DPC (SYCL libraries), C.

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