- 0 Collaborators
Each row in fraud_data.csv corresponds to a credit card transaction. Features include confidential variables V1 through V28 as well as Amount which is the amount of the transaction. The target is stored in the class column, where a value of 1 corresponds to an instance of fraud and 0 corresponds to an instance of not fraud. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Student Developers for AI
Overview / Usage
Each row in fraud_data.csv corresponds to a credit card transaction. Features include confidential variables V1 through V28 as well as Amount which is the amount of the transaction.
The target is stored in the class column, where a value of 1 corresponds to an instance of fraud and 0 corresponds to an instance of not fraud.
Methodology / Approach
In this project, we used 3 different machine learning approach-
- DummyClassifier
and calulate accuracy
1-accuracy= 97.08702064896755 %
2-accuracy= 99.63126843657817 %
3- accuracy= 99.64970501474927 %
So, We use use Logistic Regression to detect fraud.
And plot Heat map between variables V1 through V28.
Technologies Used
- Python
3.Machine learning - Sklearn and python lib.