- 0 Collaborators
FLAMBERGE is a tactics RPG (role-playing game) available on Steam early access. In it, players draft combat orders for their units by drawing freeform lines and arcs (similar to football playbooks). All action is executed simultaneously, so players must anticipate the motion and intentions of enemy units before commencing their attacks. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Early Innovation for GameDev
Intel Technologies
Overview / Usage
FLAMBERGE is a bit of a long-term project for me. I started it in 2014 and did a Kickstarter/Steam Greenlight campaign for it in November of that year. Development has dragged a bit due to my full-time student status (up til 2018) and the demanding nature of the project.
Development on FLAMBERGE has taught me a lot about game development overall, and what scale/scope is being worked with when creating a role-playing game with a story.
Methodology / Approach
With FLAMBERGE I'm hoping to create a unique game that doesn't exist yet. I enjoy turn-based combat in RPGs, and the project was conceived from a desire to create a new type of strategic RPG combat. I had encountered simultaneous turn-based games before (mainly 'Frozen Synapse' and 'Flotilla') and wanted to bring that gameplay concept into an RPG.
For a while, my approach was completely haphazard, as I was nearly completely new to game development. I had been learning programming for about 2 years, and had been using Unity for only 1.
Now, my approach has become more methodical. I know the workflow of creating new levels and mechanics pretty well. It's all a bit sluggish because of my old codebase, though.
Technologies Used
Unity - Game Engine/Suite
Adobe Photoshop - Large scale art (backgrounds, maps)
Aseprite - Small scale art (character portraits, unit sprites)
Audacity - Audio editing
BFXR - Low-bitrate sound generation
Intel Hardware (as of now):
Laptop -
Lenovo Ideapad FLEX 4-1580
Intel Core i5-7200
Desktop -
Intel i5-8600k