Face Spoofing Detection using Computer Vision & Machine Learning

Kanak Kawadiwale

Kanak Kawadiwale

Pune, Maharashtra

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  • 0 Collaborators

Face Liveness detection to strengthen the security in Authorized/ restricted area . ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence

Overview / Usage

This project is intended to detect the real or fake face provided for security check purposes.
The live picture is being captured and using the extracted features various properties are interpreted and based upon that the picture is classified as Real or Fake. The Machine Learning model is trained to check the accuracy of prediction of real or fake pictures.

Methodology / Approach

The overall project is based upon computer vision & Machine Learning Techniques.
Opencv plays an important role in getting the features extracted from the live images and ML Algorithms like support Vector Machine for predicting the accuracy of an model being trained.

Technologies Used


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