Exploring the influence of Turbulence Models on the planetary wind field prediction values of optical sensing satellites
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The objective of this study is to use the long-range plan for space technology development of the National Space Center of the National Experimental Research Institute as the front guide to verify the planetary wind coefficient value affected by Turbulence Models.The method is Wolfram Mathematica, Python, and PlotDB. Open data such as data Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure; Turbulence Models: Data from Other Experiments: FAITH Hill 3-D Separated Flow; DAO V4 Late Look Special Subset Daily Global Climatology.The results of the study are based on planetary physics and quantum metrology to derive the circumscribed sphere radius of the decision tree numerical space; the circumscribed sphere area equation; the inscribed sphere radius formula; the inscribed sphere area formula; the two sphere radius difference formula; the two sphere area difference formula .The conclusion of the study is to learn the two-plane infrastructure formula of planetary physics as the theorem output of this paper. The two theorem is derived from the decision tree algorithm to determine the cosmological model that can be optimized by Turbulence Models. ...learn more
Project status: Concept
Intel Technologies
Overview / Usage
The objective of the research is mainly based on the policy outline of the National Space Research Center's third space science and technology development long-term plan, and the introduction of this theory in Turbulence Models to verify the astronomical calendar information of the Central Meteorological Bureau of the Ministry of Communications of the Executive Yuan. NASA's international open source; and the final trend of the planetary wind coefficient value of the satellite imagery open data provided by the National Center for Space and Telemetry. The reason for exploring this issue lies in the fact that the National Institute of Experimental Research's National Space Center's third phase of the space science and technology development long-term plan is to complete the key design of the pilot optical telemetry satellite galaxy planning satellite, and verify the following conjecture through the Mars exploration level stated in the policy. The primary conjecture is to explore the artificial intelligence quantum calculus algorithm that uses quantum computers as the execution tool. Can you compare the instantaneous image comparison and the amount of data to the numerical value of the algorithm; the second guess is by super The high-resolution intelligent telemetry galaxy program crosses the observations of Earth and Mars to prove the general case of relativity and the physical case of planetary physics. The final conjecture is derived from gravity waves, exploring the predicted planetary wind system of a planet, and whether it can match the planetary wind system of other planets, and obtain a star sample that is located in the same structure as the Earth research Method.
Methodology / Approach
The method is Wolfram Mathematica, Python, and PlotDB. The data is used for the astronomical calendar of the Central Meteorological Bureau of the Ministry of Communications of the Executive Yuan; and the satellite image of the Space and Telemetry Research Center of the National Central University; Computational Studies of Inelastic Scattering using Mixed Quantum/Classical Theory; Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure; Turbulence Models : Data from Other Experiments: FAITH Hill 3-D Separated Flow; DAO V4 Late Look Special Subset Daily Global Climatology and other open materials, using quantum calculus algorithms, whether there are algorithmic values for real-time image comparison and data augmentation Constancy, comparison of Earth and Mars observation data, proves that the general relativity and the physical case of planetary physics, the prediction of the planetary wind system of a planet, can be consistent with the planetary wind system of other planets, and the same structure is obtained. The stars are the three major exploration elements. The data visualization is to draw the results with Wolfram Mathematica, Python, PlotDB, and to demonstrate descriptive analysis, regression analysis, and algorithm analysis for deductive astronomical physics.
Technologies Used
The conclusion of the study is to learn the two-plane infrastructure formula of planetary physics as the theorem output of this paper. In the National Space Research Center of the National Experimental Center, the third phase of the space science and technology development long-term plan for the implementation of the goal, due to the introduction of decision-making tree algorithm has the initial planetary computing. The two theorems are derived to determine the mathematical model that can be optimized by Turbulence Models. The future prospect is to use the artificial intelligence technology of the National Space Center's third space science and technology development long-term plan as the satellite manipulation tool to make the planetary wind system measurement formula in the string theory and explore the Multiverse conjecture.