- Projects 51
- Followers 452
Abhishek Nandy
Kolkata, WB
The game is a 3rd person 3D action game build with Unreal Game Engine. The back-end is built in C++. It is built with a great story line and gameplay for Windows PC Game. Stunning visuals and Graphics are the USP for the game. It reminds us of the legendary game Prince of Persia. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Game Development, Graphics and Media
Early Innovation for GameDev
Intel Technologies
Intel GPA,
Intel CPU,
Intel NUC8 VR Machine
The project is a full 3D Game built with Unreal game engine.It is a 3rd person character driven game with full of actions and a great story line. Driven by stunning visuals the game has a feel of its own.The game is controlled by Keyboard and mouse movements. Working towards getting runs great on Intel Certifications.
Following are the features of the Game:-
Enemy movement and behavior .
Combat with melee weapons (A wide range of Weapons)
Picking up and equipping items (Weapons, Health Kits etc.)
Damage, Hit Points and Death
HUD elements including Health and Stamina Bars as well as Icons
Saving and Loading game data even after turning off the computer or exiting the game
Switching levels in game
Floating platforms using interpolation
Bombs, explosives and hazards
Different combat moves (Like Jump and Hit, Run and Smash etc.)
We used Unreal Game engine and C++ to build the entire game.
Following is the Methodology:-
Object, Actor, Pawn and Character creation, and the differences between these classes.
Coding a complete character class, complete with animations and user input.
Finding a various selection of free assets and download them and use them for our game.
Create menus, including a Pause menu.
Implementing Timers for delays in game logic.
Logging and drawing spheres for debug purposes
Using C++ concepts applied to game development and powered by Unreal Game engine, we are developing the entire game.
Unreal Game Engine ,C++,GPA, Graphic analyzers for running on different Intel Architectures.