Do Not Buy This Game
- 0 Collaborators
Do Not Buy This Game is a Comedy Walk-Sim where the game is being built as you play it! As you enter the game, the game's creator greets you and delivers the hard truth - the game isn't ready yet. But don't worry, I'm sure the two of you will be able to figure something out... The game explores ho ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Internet of Things, Game Development, Graphics and Media
Intel Technologies
Intel CPU
Overview / Usage
Do Not Buy This Game is a Comedy Walk-Sim where the game is being built as you play it!
As you enter the game, the game's creator greets you and delivers the hard truth - the game isn't ready yet.
But don't worry, I'm sure the two of you will be able to figure something out...
Methodology / Approach
I mostly approach it from a story to gameplay standpoint, and developing my tools to allow for easy story-beats implementation. Upgrading public libraries and plugins such as Yarn Spinner and Timelines to make the work as fast as possible
Technologies Used
Yarn Spinner,
Odin Inspector