Lillian Joyce
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Digital Janitors is an action-packed desktop defense game. A hacker has taken your employer’s network hostage, sending malicious files and malware to the company computers. As the IT Administrator, you must go to each computer in the company, excise the virus, and beat back the hacker. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
2021 Intel University Games Showcase
Intel Technologies
Intel Integrated Graphics
Digital Janitors is an action-packed desktop defense game being developed and published by students at Drexel University. A hacker has taken your employer’s network hostage, sending malicious files and malware to the company computers. As the IT Administrator, you must go to each computer in the company, excise the virus, and beat back the hacker.
Digital Janitors is currently in development by Tired Turtle Games, a team of 6 undergraduate students at Drexel University. While Digital Janitors started as an in-class project, it quickly expanded into a full-blown game with commercial and artistic ambition. Tired Turtle Games was accepted as an incubator team at Drexel’s Entrepreneurial Game Studio, a “startup factory” which provides studio space and assists students in developing and commercializing their games.
The development of Digital Janitors was deeply collaborative, in many ways eschewing the traditional regiments of game development in favor of a flatter, more equitable structure that suited our small team and long-standing tight-knit relationships. There was no manager or lead, with decisions made as a group democratically. The company is structured as a cooperative, allowing for equivalent equity for all members. As a part of EGS, we are able to learn best practices under expert guidance but also have the leeway to try out new and bold organizational structures.
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Drexel University Contact
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania