AI to diagnose, detect, prevent and predict respiratory diseases.

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Diagnos is a mobile health solution that uses big data and artificial intelligence to provide a rapid diagnosis, detection, prediction and prevention of respiratory diseases. The device provides a free top-line consult in less than 10 minutes, predicting future problems, providing advice and connecting patients with doctors. ...learn more

Mobile, Artificial Intelligence

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Overview / Usage

We are in the 21st century where tech trend and modern medicine is at its top notch. But despite this, a lot of individuals still unnecessary lost their lives in Africa. From WHO, around 10.4 M Africans die each year from respiratory diseases.Sadly, several of these deaths are preventable or treatable if detected early. Among this numbers, including my aunt. I saw my aunty go through very harsh pains and gradually losing weight until she died, leaving behind a 7 years old daughter who became an orphan as she lost her dad when she was 3years old. I was deeply touched by her loss. I started imagining if we had a world where we could predict future problems, or quickly detect problems as soon as we have them and knowing the right people (specialists) who could solve/treat them, my aunt could have still been alive by now. So I made a decision that no one will go through this pain anymore. This will end with my aunty. That is how Diagnos is born to help me achieve my vision. Besides, I love creating innovative, long lasting and scalable solutions, why not do something useful for everybody?I will be super happy to  see people live healthy lives full with joy and smiles because they avoided these diseases.
According to the global reports from World Health Organization (WHO) and The Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) in 2015, approximately 10.2 million individuals die from respiratory diseases each year. This makes respiratory diseases one of the top 3 causes of death worldwide, with the largest share of deaths coming from Africa.

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