Detecting Liveness of a Fingerprint using Deep Learning
- 0 Collaborators
A CNN model designed to distinguish between a fake fingerprint and a live fingerprint. This concept can be used on fingerprint scanners to prevent different kinds of fraud. A comparison in performance and accuracy has also been made by making use of the predefined VGG16 Architecture. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Student Developers for AI
Overview / Usage
Here, I have designed a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with image inputs of size(300x300). The network is trained with a set of training images of fingerprints (13,618 in total) collected from different sensors. The data is collected in 2 sets of fake and live. The desired output, i.e, whether the fingerprint is live or fake, is given by the trained network. I have tried to implement a SUPERVISED CLASSIFICATION learning model by using feedforward and backpropagation algorithm technique. Here I have used the KERAS library which is already written in Python.
Methodology / Approach
Technologies Used
Python, Keras, CNN, Neural Networks, VGG16