Crazy Maze
- 0 Collaborators
"Crazy Maze" is a role playing maze puzzle adventure game, in which you are a mouse who lost his way back to home, you need to find the way back to home passing through the maze valley but you only pass through if you find all the hidden keys, you need to find all the keys…. but hold on ….! this not ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Unity Game Development (Indie Dev)
Intel Technologies
Overview / Usage
this is my first indie project, started with one skill as an animator not knowing how i'm going to finish this, while developing this game i learn and other skill required to develop a game
Methodology / Approach
i use trial and error technique to develop this game.. i plan what i need to do , then did rnd to figure out how to do it ....this is how i make this game
Technologies Used
i use unity(one of the best and easy to learn game engine) to develop this game