"Untitled" Sci-Fi World Exploration Game

Justin and Cristiano will meld minds and create a beautiful alien landscape to explore and find creatures and stories. Cristiano is the man behind the IntelGraphics card concept art and Justin is the audio designer for this immersive experience that will show off Iris Pro graphics on standard PCs. ...learn more

Project status: Concept

Game Development, Graphics and Media

Early Innovation for GameDev

Intel Technologies
Intel GPA, Intel CPU, Other, Optane

Overview / Usage

Justin and Cristiano met at GDC 2019 and have decided to create an otherworldly game experience together. A world to explore, rendered with Iris Pro graphics, allowing users to listen for and seek out strange and interesting creatures, plant life and geography. The story will come to life the more you discover on this new planet.

Methodology / Approach

Through combined graphics and audio, we will create an immersive world to explore and find creatures and stories. Cristiano is our Unreal master who will utilized his Intel built system to render and create beautiful terrains. Justin will create custom spatial audio and music that will bring it all to life. We will be working with other modelers for creatures and materials.

Technologies Used

Unreal, Fmod, Core I, Xeon, Optane drives


1 Result

1 Result

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