Alphabet recognition prototype

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In this project we try to learn a simple neural network how to recognize noisy alphabet charachters. Matlab is used to realize this project. ...learn more

Artificial Intelligence

Student Developers for AI

Overview / Usage

Using Matlab neural network enables us to create/learn/use NNs in different levels of complexity. This project uses a simple 2735 matrix to define 27 different alphabet charachters, nevertheless one can define a more accurate alphabet list like 27200 (200 pixels for each charachter). to make use of this project easier input is asked from matlab command line it could be a world containing any number of chars. the algorithm makes the input noisy in order to simulate noisy car plate pictures then these are fed as input to a neural network. After NN is done with recogtnition outputs are shown to another window.

you can see/download the code on my Github. In the links down you'll find links of OpenALPR, which is a more sophisticated version of this project.

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